
Orlando Cerasuolo

Orlando Cerasuolo
Office: 375 Spaulding
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)



IEMA Post-doctoral Scholar 2013-2014.
Organizer of the Seventh IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference, 2014: Inequality in Antiquity: Tracing the Archaeological Record




Post Doctoral Fellowship, 2012
Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (SAIA) – GR
Title: Connections Between the Major Islands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Crete, Rhodes, Euboea) and Etruria from 9th to 7th century BCE

PhD, 2011
Sapienza University of Rome – IT, Department of Archaeology
Title: Cerveteri: Memory and Identity. Burial customs during the Early and the Middle Orientalizing Period (720-630 c. BCE)

MA (Honors), 2005
Sapienza University of Rome – IT, Department of Archaeology
Emphases on Bronze Age and Iron Age Archaeology and Landscape Patterns

Research Interests


Mediterranean archaeology, Bronze Age and Iron Age of Italy, Etruscan
archaeology and archaeology of pre-Roman Italy, ancient networks and
route systems, Etruscan pottery, ancient architecture and art of war,
cartography, topography and techniques of archaeological excavation,
illustration in archaeology, mathematical models and statistical
analysis in archaeology, didactics for sites and exhibitions, exhibition

Selected Publications

Cerasuolo, O., Tabolli, J. (eds.) (in press) “Veii – an Etruscan city” (Cities of the Etruscans, vol. 2, Texas University Press)

Cerasuolo, O. (in press) “Euboean Incised Pottery and Euboean connections to Etruria”, in “An Island Between Two Worlds: the Archaeology of Euboea from Prehistory to Byzantine Times” (International Scientific Conference, Eretria, 12th-14th Jul 2013)

Cerasuolo, O. (in press) “The Orientalizing Period at Caere – material connections”, in de Grummond, N. and Pieraccini, L. (eds.) “Caere – an Etruscan city” (Cities of the Etruscans, vol. 1, Texas University Press)

Cerasuolo, O. (in press) “Local, Import and Imitation Pottery at Cerveteri. New Perspectives on Early Etruscan Connectivity in Italy and in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in “Island, Mainland, Coastland & Interland. Ceramic perspectives on connectivity in the ancient Mediterranean” (International Conference at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1st-2nd Feb 2013) (Amsterdam University Press)

Bartoloni, G., Cerasuolo, O. (in press) “The Balanced Skill. To Build Arches and Vaults in Early Etruria”, in “Craft and People. Agents of Skilled Labour in the Archaeological Record” (International Conference at the British Museum, London, 2012) (‘Technology and Change in History’ series, Brill Publisher)

Cerasuolo, O. (in press) “Suction Vases with Tubular Rim in Eastern Mediterranean and Central Italy”, in “Identity and Connectivity” (16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology SOMA 2012 – Florence), British Archaeological Reports

Cerasuolo, O. 2012 “L’organizzazione del territorio di Cerveteri e dei Monti della Tolfa a confronto con l’agro tarquiniese (Primo Ferro – epoca alto arcaica)” [tr. “The Territorial Organization of Cerveteri and Tolfa Hills in Comparison to the Countryside of Tarquinii”], in Cambi, F. (ed.) “Il ruolo degli oppida e la difesa del territorio in Etruria: casi di studio e prospettive di ricerca”, Aristonothos 5, 2012, pp. 121-172 [ISBN 978-88-6458-044-9]

Cerasuolo, O. 2010 “Continuità e trasformazione nel paesaggio protostorico cerite”, [tr. “Continuity and Change in the Proto-Historical Landscape of Cerveteri”], in Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria. Nono Incontro di Studi, Milano, pp. 257-268

Cerasuolo, O., Pulcinelli, L. (eds.) 2010 “La fortezza di Rofalco. Vita quotidiana degli ultimi etruschi” [tr. “The Rofalco Fortress. Late Etruscans Daily Life”], Acquapendente [ISBN 978-88-904622-4-5]

Cerasuolo, O. 2010 “Quattordici anni di ricerche a Rofalco”, [tr. “14 Years of Research at Rofalco”], in Frazzoni, L. (ed.), “Studi in memoria di Mauro Incitti”, Acquapendente 2010 [ISBN 978-88-904622-0-7]

Cerasuolo, O. 2009 “L’indagine territoriale nel territorio di Varakhsha – Oasi di Bukhara-Sogdiana, Uzbekistan”, [tr. “Surveys in the Varakhsha Area – Bukhara Oasis-Sogdiana, Uzbekistan”], in Silvi Antonimi, C. (ed.) “Rapporto preliminare delle attività della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Uzbekistan-Università la Sapienza di Roma”, Supplemento alla Rivista di Studi Orientali, LXXX,1 [ISBN 978-88-6227-187-5]

Cerasuolo, O. 2008 “All’origine di Caere. Contributo alla conoscenza del processo formativo protourbano in un settore dell’Etruria meridionale”, [tr. “At the Origins of Caere. Aspects of the Urban Formation Process in Southern Etruria”], in Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria. Ottavo Incontro di Studi, Milano, pp. 683-694

Di Gennaro, F, Cerasuolo O., Colonna, C., Rajala U., Stoddart, S., Withehead, N. 2002. “Recent Research on the City and Territory of Nepi (VT)” in Papers of the British School at Rome, volume LXX, p. 29-77 [ISSN 0068-2462]

Professional Memberships

American Institute of Archaeology
European Association of Archaeology
International Association for Classical Archaeology